
Tips For a Successful Life Coach Career

As a life coach, you must develop a marketing strategy to attract new clients and convince your contacts to hire you. If you are on a budget, you should focus on free tactics such as email marketing and expanding your social media presence. You can also look into paid social media marketing and digital marketing. But if you are not yet ready to spend any money, these free tactics are still worth a shot. Listed below are some important tips for starting your own marketing strategy.


A life coach is someone who guides clients through life’s journey and helps them discover new ways of thinking and behaving. Through a training program, a life coach becomes an expert in this field. He or she combines intuition with curiosity and skill to offer clients personalized solutions. This type of coaching is a rewarding career choice for anyone who is passionate about helping others. The following are the qualifications to become a life coach.

A degree in psychology, social work, or a related field is not required to become a life coach. However, it may prove useful if you have some relevant work experience with people. Volunteer work experience in a prison, charity, or care home may be a great start. Some schools will also accept trainee life coaches. Volunteer experience can help you gain a place on an accredited coaching course. If you can’t find a job that matches your skills, try searching online for jobs in a similar field.


The basic requirements for becoming a life coach are a DBS certificate and experience in working with people. You can find work experience in the voluntary sector, in prisons, or with charities. Some schools will accept trainee life coaches. Volunteer experience is also useful as it may help you gain a place on an accredited coaching course. Alternatively, you can find a similar job elsewhere. The key thing to remember is that life coaching involves intensive work with clients.

In order to increase your income, you need to diversify your business model. You can sell ebooks, digital courses, live workshops, or develop your own product. Some life coaches also develop and market their own products, such as digital courses and webinars. While you don’t have to join a coaching association to become a coach, joining a professional organization may help you grow your network and boost your earning potential.

Working hours

What are the working hours for a life coach? While this career option may seem attractive to many, it does require considerable time and effort. In addition to spending time with clients, coaches may spend time marketing themselves and creating content. They may also host podcasts, facilitate group meetings, or create related products. Assuming that coaches work three hours per client, the working hours for a life coach career are often lengthy. In addition, many coaches spend considerable time managing their tools and technology.