
How to Make Money in a Business Career

There are many ways to make money in a business career. There are sales positions, financial advisors, entrepreneurs, and marketing managers. There are also jobs related to computer/information systems, economics, and management. Choosing a career in a business field can be exciting if you love talking and organizing people. If you think this career path is for you, get started by exploring some options in your area of interest. It may surprise you to find that you can actually make a good living in this industry.


If you’ve always wanted a career in business, you might consider accounting as a career. This field has been around for centuries, and it never seems to have a shortage of qualified candidates. You can pursue public or private accounting, or even earn an MBA in finance or accounting. You can also mix and match degrees, combining a B.S. in accounting with an MBA or vice versa. Ultimately, your choice is based on what you want out of your career and what you enjoy.


A business career in finance is highly lucrative and in demand. However, entry requirements and salaries are high. An MBA is usually required for most positions, and many professionals have advanced degrees. Below are some tips on how to get started in this field. First, consider what type of financial analyst you’d like to become. If you’re interested in working in a multinational corporation, a corporate banker, or an investment banker, an MBA will help you get started.


If you’re passionate about helping companies grow, you can pursue a career in marketing. Many marketing jobs require a combination of creativity and analytical skills. If you enjoy writing, research, and interpreting data, this business career is for you. Marketing positions also require excellent interpersonal skills. Marketing professionals often work with designers and other marketing professionals to create campaigns that reach their target audiences. Having strong problem-solving skills is also an asset.


People who enjoy sales may want to consider a career in sales. The type of sales career you can choose will depend on your education and work experience. While some positions require a degree in sales, you may find that a high school diploma is enough. For management roles, a bachelor’s degree is generally required. However, 17% of salespeople have never attended college. People who like to push themselves can choose to pursue a business career in sales.

International business

Many people wonder what the salary ranges for an International business career. This field is a lucrative choice, and the BLS projects a 8% growth rate for this career path over the next decade. In addition to globalization, there’s a growing demand for accountants, analysts, and other financial professionals. A career as a management analyst requires knowledge of financial data, as well as how to communicate findings to different stakeholder groups. Market research analysts also play an important role in international business, since they analyze market trends and develop forecasts, helping companies evaluate their marketing strategies. In May 2020, the BLS predicts that the median salary for these occupations will be $41,950, or $72,250, respectively.


While accountants are often viewed as pure number crunchers, they’re actually much more than that. Today’s accounting profession is much more team-oriented than it once was. While entry-level accountants usually work as junior team members and will typically prepare and audit financial statements, public accountants may spend significant time with clients. For this reason, strong interpersonal skills are essential for success in this field. Here’s what you need to know about a career as an accountant.

International business executives

There are numerous benefits to working in international business. While the job can be demanding, international business positions can offer a wide variety of professional advancement opportunities. Successful global leaders typically have exceptional leadership and human relations skills. They approach cultural differences with tact and are often responsible for working with many different personalities. Emotional intelligence is also required for success in this type of role. To help you get started on your business career, you can explore the following opportunities.

Financial advisors

A career as a financial adviser is highly rewarding and requires years of training and education. The field requires passion for finance and a knack for working with numbers. This career also demands a high level of responsibility. Here are some key tips to make a successful transition into this career. A bachelor’s degree in finance is preferred, but an MBA is not necessary. Some online MBA programs, such as Villanova University’s, are suitable for those with less time to devote to coursework.