
The Dos and Don’ts of a Job Application

When it comes to applying for a job, there are certain rules to follow in order to make a good impression. Whether you’re applying for your dream job or just need to pay the bills, it’s important to know the dos and don’ts of a job application.

Do: Tailor your resume and cover letter to the job

One of the most important things you can do is tailor your resume and cover letter to the job you’re applying for. Make sure to highlight relevant experience and skills that match the requirements listed in the job description. This shows the employer that you’ve taken the time to research and understand the position.

Don’t: Use a generic resume and cover letter

Avoid using a generic resume and cover letter that you send out to every job. Employers can easily spot a canned response, and it shows that you haven’t taken the effort to personalize your application to their specific needs.

Do: Use professional language and grammar

Communication is key in the workplace, so make sure to use professional language and grammar throughout your application. This includes checking your spelling and punctuation and avoiding slang or informal language.

Don’t: Oversell yourself

While it’s important to highlight your strengths and accomplishments, avoid overselling yourself. Be truthful and accurate in your application, and make sure not to embellish your experience or qualifications. Employers will see through this and it can hurt your chances of getting the job.

Do: Follow up after submitting your application

After submitting your application, it’s a good idea to follow up with the employer. This shows that you’re interested in the position and can help you stand out among other applicants. You can email or call the employer to check on the status of your application or to express your continued interest in the position.

Don’t: Be too aggressive in following up

While it’s important to follow up, be careful not to be too aggressive. Give the employer some time to review your application before reaching out, and avoid contacting them too frequently. This can make you come across as pushy or desperate.

In conclusion, a job application is a reflection of yourself and your professionalism. By following these dos and don’ts, you can make a positive impression on potential employers and increase your chances of getting the job. Remember to always be truthful, professional, and polite in your approach.